
In for the Kill

I just board those fantastic shoes by Sonia Rykiel pour H&M :) and I love them!
The first time I saw them on the webside, I thought that they was pretty cool, but that was all .. But then I met Fanny, from http://treschicforus.blogspot.com/, and she was wearing them , and they looked just fabilous. They are so much more beautiful IRL :) And I was wearing my new bustier today .. One of the boys asked confused: "Are you wearing a bra, outside your clothes", and then my only answer could be; "No, it's a bustier!" haha
Love Veronika

Pants: Baum und Pferdgarten, Bustier: Topshop, Necklace: Fashionology, Sandals: Sonia Rykiel pour H&M


  1. Love the blog:)
    Check out mine!:

  2. Oh, thank you so much ;)
    and I'm gonna check your blog out immediately!

